Total hours: 72

Thông tin khoá học:

IELTS Academic phục vụ cho việc đi du học cũng như xin học bổng, hoặc phục vụ nghề nghiệp, TUS Academy tự hào sẽ cung cấp một khoá học hiệu quả – tiết kiệm thời gian bằng cách ứng dụng tư duy và phương pháp được đúc kết từ nhiều năm kinh nghiệm giảng dạy của các thầy cô tại TUS. Mỗi học viên được tư vấn đầu vào kĩ càng, xác định rõ ràng mục tiêu, để từ đó TUS sẽ mang đến lộ trình học tập hiệu quả phù hợp với lịch trình của mỗi học viên.

Mục Đích Khoá Học:  

Khoá học kéo dài 72 giờ giới thiệu tất cả lý thuyết về IELTS, kĩ thuật làm bài cũng như những kiến thức nền tảng về ngôn ngữ  (tiếng Anh) để thí sinh có thể tự tin đạt được mục tiêu mong muốn.

Cấu Trúc Khoá Học:      

Khóa học IELTS bao gồm 36 học phần. Mỗi học phần bao gồm 2 phần: bài học và bài tập.

Yêu Cầu Đầu Vào:

Khoá học Academic cơ bản: Đầu vào: mất gốc, đầu ra: 3.5

Khoá học Academic nâng cao: Đầu vào 3.0, đầu ra: 5.0, 6.0 và 6.5 phù hợp (liên hệ tư vấn)

Week Lesson Length Pronunciation Grammar Speaking Listening Writing task 1 Writing task 2 Reading Assignment
Lesson 1 R and W TENSES – state Verbs Introduction to Speaking (Format, Criteria) Grading – Preparing for your test Getting ready to listen: 1. Understanding the context, 2. Using the correct spelling, 3. Writing numbers – Following a conversation 1.Identifying the speakers 2. Identfying function 3. Understanding categories Academic reports: Overview
Lesson 2 Past tenses – used to, would – past perfect simple/ continuous General strategies Introduction to the IELTS WRITING TASK 1,2 (Format, Criteria) Introduction, 1. Skimming and scanning, 2. Selecting Keywords
Lesson 3 2 hours Voicing, S and Z Future 1- plans, intentions and predictions: present continuous: going, will Part 1: Questions on familiar topics – Strategies Recognising paraphrase 1. Identifying distractors 2. Recognising paraphrase 3. Selecting from a list Single time task Reading Techniques
Lesson 4 2 hours Future 2: present simple, be about to, future continuous, future perfect Part 1: Questions on familiar topics – Types of questions Practice task Academic Writing task 2: Lesson 1: What skills do you need to show? Lesson 2: A one-sentence argument Question type: 1. Short Answers
Lesson 5 2 hours TH, Voiced T Part 1: Questions on familiar topics – Common topics Places and directions 1. Describing a plce 2. Following directions 3. Labelling a map
Lesson 6 2 hours Countable and uncountable nouns (Quantity expressions: many, much, a lot of,…) Part 2: Speak for 2 minutes – Preparing your answer Questions type 2: Sentence Completion
Lesson 7 2 hours F and V. SH and Voiced SH Referring to nouns (articles, other determiners – demonstratives, possessives, inclusives: each, every, both, all) Part 2: Speak for 2 minutes – Structural language Listening for actions and processes 1. Undersanding mechanical parts 2. Describing an action or process 3. Describing a process Change over time task
Lesson 8 2 hours L Pronouns and referencing: personal, possessive and reflexive pronouns, avoiding repetition Part 2: Speak for 2 minutes – Strategies Practice task Lesson 3: Creating different types of arguments – Arguing by adding information
Lesson 9 2 hours MID-TERM TEST – LISTENING-READING-WRITING Process diagram or flow chart
Lesson 10 2 hours Part 2: Speak for 2 minutes – Answering rounding-off questions Attitude and opinion 1. Identifying attitudes and opitions 2. Persuading and suggesting 3. Reaching a decision Practice task Question types: Summary Completion
Lesson 11 2 hours Word Endings Part 2: Speak for 2 minutes – Types of questions Lesson 4: More complex arguments
Lesson 12 2 hours Part 2: Speak for 2 minutes – People Following a lecture or talk 1. Identifying main idea 2. Understanding how ideas are connected 3. Understanding an explanation Question type: Multiple choice
Lesson 13 2 hours DG and Ch, H Part 2: Speak for 2 minutes – Place Map or floor plan Lesson 5: Explaining and clarifying ideas
Lesson 14 2 hours Part 2: Speak for 2 minutes – Object Contrasting ideas 1. Signposting words 2. Comparing and contrasting ideas 3. Using notes to follow a talk Practice task Question type: Table Completion
Lesson 15 2 hours Vowel Overview, I and EE Part 2: Speak for 2 minutes – Activities Lesson 6: Supporting evidences and giving examples
Lesson 16 2 hours Part 2: Speak for 2 minutes – Experiences INTRODUCTION TO THE TEST – Pre-listening strategies Lesson 7:Strengthening your argument and counter-argument Question type: Labelling flow charts/ Processes
Lesson 17 2 hours OW and AE Part 3: The discussion: Strategies – types of question Listening strategies Common errors Lesson 8: Paragraph writing Question type: Matching
Lesson 18 2 hours MID-TERM TEST – SPEAKING PART 1,2,3
Lesson 19 2 hours OO, UH, EH Part 3: The discussion: Useful language – Asking the examiner questions Post listening strategies Single time task Lesson 9: essay structure Question type: Paragraph Selection
Lesson 20 2 hours Part 3: The discussion: Using functional phrases Question types: Multiple choice Lesson 10: Test practice
Lesson 21 2 hours AU, AH, A Part 3: The discussion: Idiomatic language Change over time task Lesson 11: guided practice 1
Lesson 22 2 hours Topics for Parts 1-3: Clothing Question types: Matching Lesson 12: Addressing band 6 problems True, False, Not given
Lesson 23 2 hours Tongue Twisters Topics for Parts 1-3: Education Question types: Plan, map, diagram labeling Process diagram or flow chart Yes, no, not given
Lesson 24 2 hours Topics for Parts 1-3: Environment Question types: Form, note, table, flow-chart, summary completion
Lesson 25 2 hours Phrase Reductions, Intonation Topics for Parts 1-3: Food Question types: sentence completion Map or floor plan Headings
Lesson 26 2 hours Topics for Parts 1-3: Friends and family Question types: short answer questions
Lesson 27 2 hours Reading Passages Topics for Parts 1-3: Health Diagrams
Lesson 28 2 hours Topics for Parts 1-3: Hobbies Practice test 1 Practice test Practice test 1 Practice test 1
Lesson 29 2 hours Review word endings: s, es sounds Media
Lesson 30 2 hours Shopping Practice test 2 Practice test Practice test 2 Practice test 2
Lesson 31 2 hours Technology
Lesson 32 2 hours Review word endings: ed sounds Grammar: using complex sentences Practice test 3 Practice test Practice test 3
Lesson 33 2 hours Reduce errors
Lesson 34 2 hours Frequently asked questions Practice test 4 Practice test Practice test 4
Lesson 35 2 hours MOCK TEST
Lesson 36 2 hours MOCK TEST